Release day!


Today my memoir Ashes to Dust, is available for purchase in both ebook and paperback format.

It has 65 coloured photos scattered throughout the story so you can have a better understanding of what

my mind was processing at the time.


I wrote this book during the darkest time of my life where I felt it was literally the only light I had left (besides my cat).

I was struggling with getting justice for myself after what the hospital did to me, so I thought since I already

experienced all that pain and suffering, I should write it so at least the truth is out there. No matter what lies

and denials the hospital say, the truth will be documented. It's the only way I saw I could have my truth back,

and my tiny bit of justice.


In the book I ended it where I was waiting to get a motion hearing date.

I got it, however the hospital claimed the video surviellence is monitoring only, with no saved footage. With

all the fabrications they've said (like how they claimed I was there voluntarily, which was untrue) I will never know if

there truly never was footage of the male nurse who assaulted me (elbowed me in the chest).

It left me deeply upset as that would have been key, irrefutable evidence that they lied. I would have been able

to show it to a judge, and have that judge know without a doubt, the hospital abused me, and was in the wrong. And

hopefully punitive damages could have been done so they would never do any of it to anyone again. And it would

have been documented in courts as proof, that they did wrong.

I'm hoping something can still be done.


Since my pain is on repeat daily I did not re-read my memoir, so I don't remember exactly what I wrote.

But I hope it's enjoyed, even though it feels at my expense because I know I didn't leave out any embarrassing parts.

Paperback is available right now only on Amazon (worldwide).